Fixes issue where compressor channel does not turn on after updating to v23.0.0 without explicitly setting a compressor mode
Upgrading from v22.x.x
to this version will clear sticky faults and compressor settings.
Improves device brownout detection
Improves CAN fault detection
Improves robustness against soft-bricking
Reduces stutters in compressor and solenoids with high CAN utilization
Allows compressor test mode for the pressure relief valve without having to send a solenoid command first
Disallows actuation from REV Hardware Client if roboRIO was previously connected
Improves over current protection for larger compressors
Improves accuracy of various readings:
Analog sensor voltage
Battery voltage
Compressor current
Improves performance for larger compressors
Improves hardware fault reporting
Adds compressor test mode for the pressure relief valve which is activated via holding the MODE button for 7 seconds
Blinks the status LED blue when sticky faults are successfully cleared via the MODE button
Blinks the status LED orange and green when the compressor is over current
Fixes issue where the device would hang after receiving a malformed CAN frame
Fixes certain faults that were incorrectly triggered when the device was only powered via USB
Persists sticky faults across power cycles
Allows sticky faults to be cleared by holding down the device's button
Updates LED patterns
Improves accuracy when using the analog sensor to control the compressor