The REV Robotics Color Sensor V2 is a combined color and proximity sensor with updated features from the original REV Color Sensor. From a single sensor you can measure colors and rough distances to various targets.
Redesigned case
Better mounting
Wider field of view
Better sensor protection
Built-in white LED
LED power is switchable with new built-in switch
Supports Standard (100kHz) or High Speed (400kHz) I2C
Supports auto-increment register reads
Built-in IR Proximity Emitter and Detector
Part Number
Color Sensor V2
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
The REV Robotics Color Sensor V1 a single sensor you can measure colors and rough distances to various targets. The Color Sensor V1 has a built-in IR (optical) and Proximity Sensor and white LED for active target lighting. Using High Speed I2C Communication (400kHz), as well as auto increment register read, allows the user to return all the color register and status register data in one read command instead of 4 separate read commands.
M3 Mounting Hole
Built-in white LED
LED power is switchable with new built-in switch
Supports Standard (100kHz) or High Speed (400kHz) I2C
Supports auto-increment register reads
Built-in IR Proximity Emitter and Detector
Part Number
Color Sensor V1
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
Value and Units
Sensor Type
I2C Address
Sensor Part
Measurement Channels
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, and Proximity
Operating Voltage Range
Proximity Sensor Range
All dimensions are in millimeters.
The REV Through Bore Encoder uses the Broadcom AEAT-8800-Q24 magnetic rotary sensor to measure the rotation of a magnet embedded and geared to the through bore shaft hole. The AEAT-8800-Q24 uses hall effect technology to measure changes in the magnetic field as the shaft and magnet rotates.
A major benefit of the REV Through Bore Encoder is the flexibility of measuring any shaft in your system. Directly measuring the rotation of an output shaft allow users to read encoders without having to calculate gear ratios.
Output Connector
Intended System
Output Signals
6-Pin JST PH
SPARK MAX Brushed Motor Mode
A, B, I, ABS
3-pin 0.1" Connector (PWM/Dupont) (4x)
A, B, I, ABS
4-Pin JST PH
Control/Expansion Hub Encoder Port
A, B
The Through Bore Encoder comes with several different cables making it easier to connect to different devices. Below are a few wiring examples for the more commonly used devices with the Through Bore Encoder.
To connect the Through Bore Encoder to a Control Hub, use the included JST PH 6-pin to JST PH 4-pin cable. The Through Bore Encoder plugs into the Encoder ports on the Control Hub.
Wiring of the Through Bore Encoder to a SPARK MAX changes depending on the motor type being used with the SPARK MAX. Both motor types use the included JST PH 6-pin cable.
When using a brushed motor with SPARK MAX, the Through Bore Encoder is connected directly to the Encoder Port on the front of the SPARK MAX.
When using a brushless motor with SPARK MAX, the Through Bore Encoder is used as an Alternate Encoder. Using the Alternate Encoder Adapter (REV-11-1881) with the SPARK MAX allows for the JST PH 6-pin cable to connect directly to the adapter and the Through Bore Encoder.
Make sure to check the Alternate Encoder Mode bring up in the SPARK MAX documentation before connecting the Through Bore Encoder.
NI's roboRIO supports both quadrature and duty cycle encoders. There are slight differences in wiring depending on what mode is desired. Both wiring setups use the included JST PH 6-pin to 4 Channel PWM Cable.
When using the Through Bore Encoder as a quadrature encoder, plug the ENC A (blue) and ENC B (yellow) signal lines into the DIO ports on the roboRIO.
When using the Through Bore Encoder as a duty cycle encoder plug the ABS (white) signal line into a DIO port on the roboRIO.
This is the default shaft configuration that comes with the encoder out of the box.
When using the 3/8” Hex insert, press the insert into the 1/2” Hex hole.
If you are having difficulty pressing the insert into the encoder, try flipping the insert over and press it in. There is a slight taper in the insert, so it is recommended to press the insert with the smaller end first. When removing, it is recommended to push the insert out in the reverse order (larger end first).
When using the 5mm Hex insert, press the insert into the 1/2” Hex hole.
If you are having difficulty pressing the insert into the encoder, try flipping the insert over and press it in. There is a slight taper in the insert, so it is recommended to press the insert with the smaller end first. When removing, it is recommended to push the insert out in the reverse order (larger end first).
When using the 1/4” round insert, press the insert onto the shaft first and then place the encoder onto the insert.
This adapter fits the encoder shaft on common gearboxes like the Toughbox Mini, which is traditionally included in the FRC Kit of Parts Chassis.
There is a switch on the side of the encoder and with two options: ‘A’ and ‘S’. ‘A’ is the ABI encoder output mode which outputs the incremental and absolute encoder signals. ‘S’ is the SSI/SPI mode used in the manufacturing stage and potential future features. Currently, only the ‘A’ mode is supported. Make sure that the switch is in the ‘A’ position when using this encoder.
The REV Through Bore Encoder is specifically designed with the end user in mind, allowing teams to place sensors in the locations closest to the rotation that they wish to measure. Using the ¼” round insert allows teams to easily attach the Through Bore Encoder to the output shaft of the ToughBox Mini with the AM14U series kit of parts chassis. This guide is to show the process for attaching the Through Bore Encoder to the ToughBox Mini gearbox
Additional information about the AEAT-8800-Q24, its capabilities, and its features can be found in the following datasheet:
The REV Robotics Color Sensor V3 is a combined color and proximity sensor. From a single sensor you can measure colors and rough distances to various targets. Version 3 introduces a new sensor chip from Broadcom due to the end-of-life of the V1/V2 color sensor chip.
Digital RGB Color Sensing
IR Proximity Emitter and Detector
Built-in (switchable) white LED
Supports Standard (100kHz) or High Speed (400kHz) I2C
Part Number
Color Sensor V3
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
Value and Units
Sensor Type
Digital, Encoder
JST-PH 6-pin
Mounting Holes
#10 Clearance
Input Voltage
Logic Level
Maximum RPM
Quadrature Resolution
Cycles per Rev.
Counts per Rev.
Index Pulse Frequency
Pulse per Rev.
Index Pulse Width
Minimum Pulse (0°)
Maximum Pulse (360°)
Pulse Resolution
The REV Robotics 2m Distance Sensor (REV-31-1505) uses the ST Microelectronics VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) laser-ranging module to measure distances up to 2m with millimeter resolution.
Unlike other ranging sensors that rely on the intensity of reflected light, this sensor can measure how long it takes for the light to bounce back, the “time of flight.” This results in much more accurate measurements that are independent of the target’s reflectance.
Part Number
2m Distance Sensor
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
The REV Through Bore Encoder is specifically designed with the end user in mind, allowing teams to place sensors in the locations closest to the rotation that they wish to measure. This rotary sensor measures both relative and absolute position through its ABI quadrature output and its absolute position pulse output.
Incremental and absolute magnetic encoder
Built-in magnet
Quadrature output - A, B, and Index
Absolute output - Pulse Width (Duty Cycle)
Broadcom AEAT-8800
Factory calibrated zero-positionb
Zero calibrated to notch in case
Through-bore design
Easily mounted to any shaft
Bore inserts
1/2" Hex (default)
3/8" Hex
5mm Hex
1/4" Round
Mounting holes
Holes spacing matches common FRC gearboxes and chassis
The FTC Control System only supports Incremental Encoder input through the motor encoder ports at this time. Absolute pulse input is not supported.
Do not disassemble the sensor. Disassembling the Through Bore Encoder will dereference the zero position with the physical case notch. It is not possible to recalibrate the zero position as it is permanently saved inside the sensor at the factory
Part Number
Through Bore Encoder
3/8" Hex Insert
5mm Hex Insert
1/4" Round Insert
JST-PH 6-pin to JST-PH 6-pin Cable
JST-PH 6-pin to 4 x 3-pin 0.1" (PWM/Dupont) Cable
JST-PH 6-pin to JST-PH 4-pin Cable
The REV Robotics Color Sensor has two sensing elements: color and proximity.
Color measurements consist of Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha (clear) values. The white LED on the sensor has a slide switch to turn the LED on or off. Unlit targets are best illuminated with the build-in LED while bright or light-emitting targets may not require the build-in LED. Color data is best collected within 2cm of the target for the strongest color differentiation.
Note to users transitioning from Color Sensor V2 to V3: Color values will not be consistent between V2 and V3 sensors and there are minor changes to the FTC SDK. Be sure to update to the latest SDK.
When working with the Color Sensor V3 configure your robot to use the "REV Color Sensor V3" as shown in the image below.
In this example, the Color Sensor V3 is configured on I2C bus 1. The Color Sensor V3 can be configured on any of the I2C busses as long as a 2m Distance Sensor is not configured to the same bus.
Recall that I2C sensors must have different addresses in order to operate on the same bus. The Color Sensor V3 and 2m Distance Sensor share the same address.
This program shows a readout of values from the Color Sensor on your Driver Hub's screen while the program runs. "Light Detected" shows the amount of light detected between 0 and 1.
"Blue", "Red", and "Green" each show the amount of that "component" in the color the sensor is pointed at. If pointed at a red color, for example, it will likely have the highest amount shown.
The code assumes that the Color Sensor was configured with the name “test_color.”
When using the Color Sensor V3 on the navX’s I2C Interface, you will need to make sure that the Voltage Select Jumper on the navX is set to 3.3V. The Color Sensor V3 has a max operating voltage of 3.3V and applying 5V can damage the sensor.
Additional information about the APDS-9151, its capabilities, and its features can be found in the following datasheet:
Proximity measurements are based on IR reflectance and can vary depending on lighting conditions and target reflectivity. The proximity sensor is ideally used to determine if something is in front of the sensor. While you can receive rough distance data, we recommend using the or similar time-of-flight sensor for accurate distance measurement.
Value and Units
Sensor Type
Digital, Active-low
n & n+1
Magnetic Polarity
Omnipolar (both north & south)
Using the included magnet.
Value and Units
Sensor Type
I2C Address
Laser Type
940 nm (IR) Class 1
Operating Voltage Range
Operating Current
Measurement Range
Measurement Resolution
Field of View
Max. Bus Frequency
Top Trigger Distance †
Side Trigger Distance †
Included Magnet Strength
While the REV 2m Distance Sensor produces a significantly more accurate and reliable measurement than other types of ranging sensors, the following tips will help minimize errors.
A major benefit to time-of-flight measurements is that the target’s surface reflectance does not significantly impact the calculated distance. However, the smallest errors and farthest measurements are achieved with more reflective targets. Similarly, larger targets are easier to detect because they fill more of the sensors 25° field of view.
Ambient infrared (IR) interference can also affect the measurement distance and quality. The sensor can produce accurate measurements in sunlit environments, but the maximum distance will be reduced. The following table outlines the typical ranging capabilities of the sensor:
Target Reflectance
Outdoor (overcast)
White (88%)
200 cm †
80 cm
Grey (17%)
80 cm
50 cm
† Using long range API profile; default profile range is 120cm.
Configure the 2m Distance Sensor as "REV 2M Distance Sensor," shown in the image below.
The Robot Controller Application currently only supports the default profile for the sensor.
In this example, the 2m Distance Sensor is configured on I2C bus 1. The 2m Distance Sensor can be configured on any of the I2C busses as long as a Color Sensor V3 is not configured to the same bus.
Recall that I2C sensors must have different addresses in order to operate on the same bus. The Color Sensor V3 and 2m Distance Sensor share the same address.
This program moves a motor if there is an object less than 10 centimeters from the distance sensor, and stops it if there is no object within that range.
The Java version of this program is pasted below. It assumes that the Distance Sensor was configured with the name “test_distance” and that a motor was configured with the name “test_motor.”
For use with WPILib and the roboRIO the proper library will need installation. Utilize the roboRIO's I2C port and a 4-pin JST PH to 4-pin roboRIO I2C Cable (REV-11-1729) to easily connect the sensor to the roboRIO.
Additional information about the VL53L0X, its capabilities, and the ST Application Programming Interface (API) can be found through the ST website:
Value and Units
Sensor Type
Digital, Active-low
Operating Voltage Range
n+1 Voltage
LED State
Not Pressed
The button is directly in-line with the LED and signal. So if the light is operating correctly, the button is working.
In the image below, is the key for the wired connection between the touch sensor and the robot controller. The touch sensor does not use or pick up a signal from the n (blue) wire. This is not a problem if there is one digital sensor per port. However, If you intend to connect more than one digital sensor to the same port using the sensor splitter cable, make sure that the n+1 (white) wire portion of the splitter cable is plugged into the touch sensor.
The REV Touch Sensor features an off-center button. Because this sensor requires a contact interface; the sensor must be mounted with regards to the location of the button and the object, or mechanism, intended to trigger the sensor.
Common applications for the Touch Sensor, such as limit switches, require consideration for unconstrained, or twisting motion. Limit switches limit the range of motion for a mechanism. If the mechanism is not properly constrained, there is a risk that the contact interface will not trigger the Touch Sensor.
Configure the Touch Sensor as "REV Touch Sensor" as shown in the image below.
In this example, the Touch Sensor is configured on port one. It is touched on briefly in the Pinout Section that the Touch Sensor only sends a signal to the Control Hub through the n+1 communication channel. Because of this limitation, the Touch Sensor will only work when configured on the odd-numbered digital ports.
The code blocks below give a basic example of how to use the Touch Sensor to limit the motion range of a motor using if/else logic. If the button is pressed then the motor stops. Otherwise, the motor is allowed to move.
To learn more about programming Touch Sensors check out Hello Robot for Blocks and OnBot Java!
The code assumes the sensor has been named "test_touch" and the motor has been named "test_motor" in configuration.
The REV Robotics Touch Sensor (REV-31-1425) is a digital sensor that can be used as a button input or as a basic mechanical limit switch. The touch sensor is similar to a keyboard button, when the button is pressed the touch sensor notifies the Robot Controller and an action in the code is triggered. Sometimes this action may stop the motors or reset the encoder angle, depending on the use case.
Like all digital sensors, the Touch Sensor acts on a binary. When the button is not pressed, the LED light remains unlit and the value read by the Expansion Hub is 3.3V (high) and when the button is pressed the LED will light and the Expansion Hub will read 0V (Low)
Part Number
REV Touch Sensor
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
Parameter Description
Sensor Type
I2C Address
Sensor Part
Measurement Channels
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, and Proximity
Operating Voltage Range
Proximity Sensor Range
All dimensions are in millimetres.
The REV Robotics Color Sensor has two sensing elements, proximity and color.
Proximity measurements are based on IR reflectance and can vary depending on lighting conditions and target reflectivity.
Color measurements consist of Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha (clear) values. The white LED on the sensor has a slide switch to turn the LED on or off. Unlit targets are best illuminated with the build-in LED while bright or light-emitting targets may not require the build-in LED. Color data is best collected within 2cm of the target for the strongest color differentiation.
When working with the Color Sensor V2 configure your robot to use the "REV Color/Range Sensor" as shown in the image below.
In this example, the Color Sensor V2 is configured on I2C bus 2. The Color Sensor V2 can be configured on any of the I2C busses.
Recall that I2C sensors must have different addresses in order to operate on the same bus.
This program shows the values from the Color Sensor on your phone. Your team will need to figure out the logic to use this information in your program. Below there are three examples of different color modes and their readings. Light Detected mode will read the amount of light on the sensor from 0-1.0. Because the sensor is close to a surface, the LED in the sensor reads 1.0 in the examples.
The code assumes that the Color Sensor was configured with the name “Color.”
Additional information about the TMD37821, its capabilities, and its features can be found in the following datasheet:
The REV Robotics Magnetic Limit Switch (REV-31-1462) is a three-sided digital hall effect switch. The three internal hall effect elements (one on top, two on the sides) are connected in parallel so if any one of them is triggered the sensor will report as triggered.
Hall effect sensors detect the presence of a magnetic fields. The REV Magnetic Limit Switch is an omnipolar momentary switch; it will trigger when there is sufficient field strength of either magnetic pole detected.
Part Number
REV Magnetic Limit Switch
Magnet with mounting tabs
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
The REV Magnetic Limit Switch comes with two mountable magnets. Because this sensor does not require a contact interface, the magnet can also be soft mounted almost anywhere with just tape or glue.
The strength of the magnetic field determines the maximum distance the magnet can be from the sensor and still be detected. Alternate (stronger or weaker) magnets can easily be used to change the trigger range of this sensor.
When designing a system using the REV Magnetic Limit Switch it is important to consider in the impact of hysteresis. When the magnetic field approaches the Magnetic Limit Switch, after the field strength increases enough that it crosses the rising trigger point (Bop) the sensor triggers. As the magnet is then moved away from the sensor, the magnetic field strength falls but the sensor remains in the triggered state until the field falls below the falling trigger level (BRP). The difference between these two points is the hysteresis.
For a simple system like stopping an arm at the end of range of motion, the hysteresis might not play much of a role, but for creating one or more stop points on a linear elevator, this may factor into the software design.
It is recommended that the Magnetic Limit Switch is configured as a "REV Touch Sensor" as shown below:
In this example, the Magnetic Limit Switch is configured on port 3 as a "REV Touch Sensor". It is touched on briefly in the Pinout Section that the Magnetic Limit Switch is capable of sending a signal to the Control Hub through the n+1 and n communication channels. The channel the sensor communicates through is decided by which port it is configured on. In this case, the Magnetic Limit Switch communicates through the n channel.
The code blocks below gives a basic example of how to use the Magnetic Limit Switch to limit the motion range of a motor using if/else logic. If the magnet is within range of the sensor then the motor stops. Otherwise the motor is allowed to move. When triggered by proximity to a magnet, the sensor is considered pressed.
To learn more about programming Touch and Limit Sensors check out Hello Robot for Blocks and OnBot Java!
The code assumes the sensor has been named "test_magnetic" and the motor has been named "test_motor" in configuration.
Parameter Description
Sensor Type
I2C Address
Sensor Part
Measurement Channels
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, and Proximity
Operating Voltage Range
Proximity Sensor Range
All dimensions are in millimeters.
The REV Robotics Color Sensor has two sensing elements, proximity and color.
Proximity measurements are based on IR reflectance and can vary depending on lighting conditions and target reflectivity.
Color measurements consist of Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha (clear) values. The white LED on the sensor has a slide switch to turn the LED on or off. Unlit targets are best illuminated with the build-in LED while bright or light-emitting targets may not require the build-in LED. Color data is best collected within 2cm of the target for the strongest color differentiation.
When working with the Color Sensor V1 configure your robot to use the "REV Color/Range Sensor" as shown in the image below.
In this example, the Color Sensor V1 is configured on I2C bus 2. The Color Sensor V1 can be configured on any of the I2C busses.
Recall that I2C sensors must have different addresses in order to operate on the same bus.
This program shows the values from the Color Sensor on your phone. Your team will need to figure out the logic to use this information in your program. Below there are three examples of different color modes and their readings. Light Detected mode will read the amount of light on the sensor from 0-1.0. Because the sensor is close to a surface, the LED in the sensor reads 1.0 in the examples.
The code assumes that the Color Sensor was configured with the name “Color.”
Additional information about the TMD37821, its capabilities, and its features can be found in the following datasheet:
The REV Potentiometer (REV-31-1155) converts the angular position of a shaft into an analog voltage signal. A potentiometer acts as an adjustable resistor, fluctuating resistance as the shaft is turned. As the wiper (the knob) moves up and down along the coils of the resistor and the resistance and voltage output change proportionally at each new position.
The Potentiometer has a 270° limit to rotation. The sensor detects how much rotational motion has occurred in a mechanism. A specific limit is set in code to ensure rotation stops at a certain point. This is helpful when building simple arm joints because if properly applied it can prevent a mechanism from damaging itself or other parts of the robot.
It is important to install the Potentiometer so that it will not be forced beyond its 270° range of motion.
Part Number
2m Distance Sensor
JST PH 4-pin Sensor Cable - 30cm
Recommended Operating Voltage †
Absolute Input Voltage ††
Power Input
XT30 Connector, Male
PWM Input
3-pin 0.1in pitch connector
LED Strip Adapter
7-pin JST PH connector
12V LED Output Current ‡
5V LED Output Current ‡‡
Minimum start-up operation for the 5V LEDs is 7V.
12V LEDs output is driven directly off this input voltage therefore lower or significantly higher input voltage may not allow for proper operation and may result in damage.
Recommended input operating voltage is from 5.5V to 13.5V. Absolute input voltage range is 5.2V- 25V—use caution before exceeding the recommended input range to prevent damage.
Maximum of 12A output. Supports a maximum of 300 LEDs in series, or up to two strings of 300 in parallel.
Equivalent to 10m of LEDs on 60 LED/m strips.
Maximum of 5A output. Supports up to 240 LEDs for more patterns and brightness.
Equivalent to 4m of LEDs on 60LED/m strips.
The Blinkin can control either 12V RGB LEDs or 5V Addressable LED strips.
5V Addressable LEDs
The Blinkin LED Driver (REV-11-1105) is a compact, all-in-one solution that can control LEDs in a stand-alone mode with just a 12V power source or in a dynamic mode, changing patterns by supplying a standard servo-style PWM signal.
*The linear taper of this potentiometer means that the resistance changes linearly with the angle of the shaft. However, the linearity can be significantly affected by connected circuitry. Please see the Application Examples for more information.
All dimensions are in millimeters
The Potentiometer only sends signal to the hub through the n port, which means during configuration the potentiometer will need to be assigned to port 0 or port 2. This limitation means that two potentiometers can not be hosted on the same physical port using the sensor splitter cable.
Potentiometers are most commonly used to measure the angle of an arm type joint. There are two different ways to utilize a potentiometer when using it in conjunction with an arm. One way to use the potentiometer is to directly place it on the shaft being used to pivot the arm. However, placing the potentiometer on an adjacent shaft that connects to the pivot-point shaft, via gears or chain, allows for more design flexibility.
Applying the concept of gear ratios (or sprocket ratios) to the potentiometer; it is possible to manipulate the accuracy/range of motion relationship. When the range of motion increases, through changes in gear ratio, accuracy decreases, and vice versa.
This Potentiometer has a 5mm female hex socket input and can be used with any 5mm hex axle, like the ones in the REV Building System. There are six M3 tapped holes around the input shaft on a 16mm circle which will mount to any of the REV Robotics Motion Brackets.
The REV Potentiometer has a linear* relationship between the output voltage and the angle of its shaft.
*When used in FTC applications, the Hub's analog circuitry changes the linearity of the potentiometer. Skip ahead to the FTC Applications section for more information.
Assuming a 3.3V input voltage, the degrees per volt can be graphed and calculated as follows:
Therefore, given a measured output voltage V in volts, you can easily calculate the corresponding angle θ in degrees:
Even though the Potentiometer is a linear taper potentiometer, the analog circuitry on the Control/Expansion Hubs can change the linearity so that the above equations are not as accurate. Therefore, it is recommended to move your robot mechanisms to specific positions of interest and record the Potentiometer voltage at those positions to use in your code.
Calculating the output voltage for a specific angle θ between 0 and 270° is still possible, but the equation is no longer linear:
Configure the Potentiometer as "Analog Input" as shown in the image below.
This program has a variable called CurrentVoltage that is used to store the current voltage. CurrentVoltage is updated using the AnalogInput block every time that the program loops. When CurrentVoltage less than the midpoint of 1.65 volts, the motor stops. When the voltage is higher than the midpoint, the motor moves. The potentiometer voltage is also displayed via telemetry.
The code assumes that a Potentiometer was configured with the name “potentiometer”, and that a motor was configured with the name “test_motor”.
The REV UltraPlanetary System is a cartridge based modular gearbox designed to handle the rigors of the competition and the classroom. Users can configure a single-stage planetary using one of three different reduction cartridges, build multi-stage gearboxes through stacking individual cartridges together, and choose two different ways for transferring power through the output stage through face mounting to the stage or choosing the length of 5mm hex shaft best suited for the application.
The UltraPlanetary has a variety of options for mounting with four different brackets available for mounting to REV Extrusion, REV C Channel, or REV U Channel.
Connect 12V power to the Blinkin using an XT30 Cable
If the LED output indicator for the 12V/5V strip which is connected is not lit, press and hold the Strip Select button until the corresponding strip indicator LED is lit. Your LED strip should now be displaying the default pattern (29 - Color Waves, Party Palette), or the user programmed default pattern.
In addition to the pre-programmed fixed color palette patterns, the Blinkin can be customized to use user selected colors and strip length to create more unique look. These settings can be saved in to permanent memory so they persist through power cycles.
Addressable Strip Length - Up to 240 WS2812 LEDs
Team Colors - Select two of 22 different color options to represent your team
Default No Signal Pattern - Select which pattern is displayed with there is not PWM input
To enter Setup Mode, press and hold the Mode button for ~6 seconds, the Status LED will change from blue to yellow. The LED strip will automatically display pattern 75 (Color 1 and Color 2: no blending) which uses Color 1 and Color 2 to aid in configuration.
Use a small screwdriver, like the one included, to adjust the Color 1, Color 2, and Length potentiometers
Left: Color 1 – Primary Pattern Color
Middle: Color 2 – Secondary Pattern Color
Right: Addressable Strip Number of LEDs (1-240)
With no input PWM signal (yellow blinking Status LED), select the default no signal pattern by clicking (short press) the Up (Mode) and Down (Strip Select) buttons until the desired pattern is displayed.
Leave the displayed pattern on the test pattern (75) on exit to leave the default no signal pattern unchanged.
Save and Exit: Press and hold the Mode and Strip Select buttons for ~6 seconds. colors, strip length and new default no signal pattern values are permanently saved in EEPROM and will persist between power cycles.
Exit without Saving: press and hold the Mode button. Nothing is saved and Blinkin will return to its previously saved state after power cycle.
The Status LED will return to blue when Setup Mode has been exited
The Blinkin can be controlled via software using a standard servo-style PWM signal. The Blinkin measures the width of the incoming pulse from the PWM signal, and then based on that value selects a pattern from a corresponding pattern table. Valid input pulse widths are from 1000us to 2000us.
1.) Connect the Blinkin to a PWM control port on the robot controller, such as a Control Hub or roboRIO, using a standard PWM cable.
2.) Using the programming language of your choice, generate a PWM signal.
For use with the FRC Control System and WPILib, create a motor of type SPARK. (Other Motor and Servo types will work, but might change the values associated with specific patterns)
While your Blinkin is not in Setup Mode, select a pattern which is adjustable
Use a small screwdriver, like the one included, to adjust the Adj. 1, Adj. 2, and Brightness potentiometers
Generally, the three potentiometers will adjust the following during Normal Operation:
Adj. 1 - Pattern Density, Pattern Width, or Dimming
Adj. 2 - Speed
Brightness - Brightness of the whole LED Strip
Possible Cause: LEDs are exceeding Blinkin current supply.
Solution: Turn down the strip brightness, shorten the strip, or use a pattern with less LEDs lit at the same time.
Possible Cause: There is too much voltage drop over the length of the strip so LEDs near the end don’t have enough voltage to operate properly.
Solution: Shorten the LED strip or if more LEDs are needed shorten the strip and run the remaining strip in parallel to the other strip
Possible Cause: A spurious pulse when some robots start up or shut down matching a command code used when factory testing the Blinkin.
Send the pulse (listed below) for the necessary strip type. The Status LED should turn to solid magenta and the Strip Select LED will remain the same as it was before the command was sent.
5V Strip = 2125 μs
12V Strip = 2145 μs
Send the pulse for a pattern different than the pattern that the Blinkin was originally displaying. At this time the LEDs should change to the new strip and be set with the pattern you chose. The Status LED will go back to solid blue and the Strip Select LED will switch to the strip type you selected in Step 1.
Send the pulse for the original desired pattern to your Blinkin.
We recommend having a button programmed on your controller to reset the pattern in the case of a temporary power loss.
If a Blinkin LED Driver is able to run the pre-installed light sequences and is unable to be controlled via a standard PWM Signal, like those that control a Servo Motor, make sure the Blinkin and your Control Hub or roboRIO both share a power source or have a shared electrical ground. Most of the time, fixing the power input for your Blinkin will resolve this issue!
The Blinkin can store custom user settings in its Memory so that they persist through power cycles. To restore the Blinkin to factory default settings using the following procedure:
A factory reset will cause your Blinkin to reload the default values will into its permanent memory. All current settings will be deleted.
Power off the Blinkin
Press and hold the Mode and Strip Select buttons
Power on the Blinkin
Wait for ~2 Seconds
Release the Mode and Strip Select buttons
Operating Voltage Range ( )
These LEDs are all connected together so the strip will always be all the same solid color, but this kind of LED strip is generally cheaper than the 5V kind. Blinkin is designed for 12V Common Anode LEDs such as . These strips have a four-wire interface and can be cut to length every three LEDs.
Blinkin can control the WS2812 5V individually addressable LED type strips such as . This kind of strip is more expensive than the 12V type, but each individual LED can be a different color and brightness to create very colorful animations. These strips have a 3-wire interface and can be cut to length between each LED.
In this example, the Potentiometer is configured on port 0. It is touched on briefly in thethat the Potentiometer only sends a signal to the Control Hub through the n communication channel. Because of this limitation, the Potentiometer will only work when configured port 0 and port 2.
The UltraPlanetary Gearbox Kit () includes an input stage and pinion gear pressed onto the REV HD Hex Motor. Building on the ability to iterate and adjust designs easily using the REV Building System, the UltraPlanetary System consists of pre-assembled and lubricated cartridges allowing for swapping gear ratios on the fly and with ease. The system also allows for the user to choose the length of 5mm shaft to fit their application or to face mount a sprocket, gear, wheel, or structure using the REV Motion Pattern on the output stage.
Using the UltraPlanetary Gearbox System with other 550 class motors, like the NEO 550 Brushless motor, requires pressing of an UltraPlanetary 550 Motor Pinion () onto the motor, use of the UltraPlanetary 550 Motor Plate (), along with use of individual cartridge reductions and an UltraPlanetary Female 5mm Hex Output ().
The REV Robotics UltraPlanetary Gearbox Kit () comes with the following:
- HD Hex Motor – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Pinion Gear (pressed onto REV-41-1291) – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Mounting Plate – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Cartridge 3:1 – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Cartridge 4:1 – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Cartridge 5:1 – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Output Stage – QTY 1
– UltraPlanetary Hardware Pack – QTY 1
– 5mm x 75mm Hex Shaft – QTY 1
Individual stages, hardware, and pinions can be purchased separately to optimize the gearbox for the application. For more information on optimizing gear ratios check the .
Select either a 12V or 5V Addressable LED strip and connect it to the 7-Pin JST PH Port using a
With no input PWM active (blue blinking Status LED), clicking (short press) the Up (Mode) and Down (Strip Select) buttons will change the pattern being displayed (See). This pattern will reset to the default after a power cycle unless the default is changed using the setup mode.
Power up the Blinkin as described in The LED strip selected cannot be changed during setup mode, so ensure that the desired strip is connected and running before continuing.
3.) In your main robot code where motor (or servo) output power is normally updated, set your output power to the value corresponding to the pattern desired (see ).
All of the LED strips and patterns can have their overall brightness adjusted and many of the patterns can be adjusted to change the pattern density and speed. The details what patterns have which adjustments.
Value and Units
Sensor Type
Signal Port Mapping
Output Shaft
Female 5mm Hex
Mounting Holes
REV Motion Pattern(6x M3 tapped)
Range of Motion
Linear (B)*
Total Resistance
Default Value
Color 1
Sky Blue – 0x0080FF
Color 2
Gold – 0xFFEA00
Strip Length
60 LEDs
No Signal Pattern
29 – Color Waves, Party Palette
Strip Select
Mode/Up Button
Switch between normal running mode and set-up mode.
Strip Select/Down Button
Switch which kind of LED strip is being controlled.
XT30 Power Input
Connect to a 12V nominal battery or other equivalent power source.
PWM Input
Provide a standard servo-style PWM signal to control the LED output pattern/color.
Status Indicator
RGB LED mode indicator. See Setup and Configuration for colors and meanings.
Setup and Adjustment
Three potentiometers are used to set customer color palette colors and addressable strip length in set-up mode, and are used to adjust brightness and other pattern properties like speed and pattern density during normal operation
5V/12V LED Indicators
Indicate which kind of strip is currently selected as the output type
LED Strip Connection
Use the included JST PH, 7-pin to JST SM pigtail connector to connect to LED strip(s).
With some commands, the Magenta Blink may last until the next LED Pattern Command Signal has been received
If the 12V Output and 5V Output LEDs are on at the same time, please proceed to completing a Factory Reset
The REV Servo Hub allows each servo channel to be powered individually. This lets users power only the channels they need at any given time. A channel can have power without a signal, or vice versa, depending on the configuration.
The FTC SDK does not currently support runtime control of channel power.
Channels are always powered when enabled.
When disabled, channels follow the configured Disable Behavior.
REVLib provides complete runtime control over channel power.
Enabled channels can be turned on or off at any time via the robot program.
Disabled channels always adhere to their Disable Behavior configuration, regardless of runtime settings.
A program can dynamically control whether a channel is powered. However, some users may want a channel to supply power even when it’s disabled. To address this, the Disable Behavior configuration is provided. Each channel has its own Disable Behavior configuration, allowing fine-grained control.
Important: Ensure you understand your servo's behavior when it has power but no signal, as this may vary between models.
: Power is provided to the servo while disabled, but no signal is sent.
Note: The kSupplyPower
setting is most similar to the behavior of the REV Servo Power Module, while the kDoNotSupplyPower
setting is closer to the behavior of the Control Hub's servo ports. However, neither of these configurations is an exact match to these devices.
: Power is not provided to the servo while disabled.
Selecting the appropriate Disable Behavior depends on your team's specific needs and the use case for each servo channel. Below are some scenarios where each behavior may be advantageous in FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) or FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).
By carefully choosing the appropriate Disable Behavior for each servo channel, teams can optimize their robot’s performance and ensure reliable operation under various conditions. Testing your configuration during practice is highly recommended to avoid surprises during competition.
When maintaining servo position is critical: Use this behavior if your servo must hold its position even when disabled. For example:
Keeping a gripper closed around a game element while the robot is temporarily disabled.
Ensuring a mechanism like an arm or elevator stays in place when the robot is disabled during testing or a match pause.
When transitioning from disabled to enabled needs to be seamless: If the servo should maintain a consistent state (e.g., avoid sudden movements) when re-enabled, supplying power ensures the servo remains stable.
When you know the servo behavior with no signal: Servos behave differently when powered without a signal. Some may hold their position, while others may drift or "go limp", and others may return to the center position. Ensure you test your servos and understand their behavior in this mode.
When the servo model exhibits undesirable behavior with power but no signal: Some servo models behave unpredictably when powered but not receiving a signal. For example, certain servos may jitter or drift uncontrollably in this state, and others return to center position. In such cases, using kDoNotSupplyPower
ensures that the servo does not power on until a valid signal is present.
When servo movement while disabled is acceptable: If the mechanism attached to the servo does not require precise positioning or locking, removing power can reduce wear on the servo.
Example: Allowing an intake arm to fall into a "neutral" position when not powered.
When protecting servos from overuse: In some cases, continually powering a servo when disabled may contribute to overheating or wear. Use this mode to prolong servo lifespan.
Status - Solid Blue
Normal Operation, PWM Signal Detected
Status - Blinking Blue
Normal Operation, No PWM Signal Detected
Status - Solid Yellow
Setup Mode, PWM Signal Detected
Status - Blinking Yellow
Setup Mode, No PWM Signal Detected
Status - Solid Blue with Magenta Blink †
Command Signal Detected
12V Output - Solid Blue ††
12V LED Strip Selected
5V Output - Solid Blue ††
5V Addressable LED Strip Selected
The BLINKIN LED Driver comes with the 36” PWM Cable (REV-11-1130), that can be used to connect the BLINKIN to the NI roboRIO’s PWM ports for communication. To power the BLINKIN you need an XT30 Cable with one male connector and bare wire on the opposing end. Plug the male connector into the BLINKIN and the bare wire ends into the appropriate Power Distribution Hub channel.
The BLINKIN is capable of driving either a 5V Addressable LED Strip (REV-11-1198) or a 12V RGB LED Strip (REV-11-1197). The image below shows how both types of LED strips connect to the BLINKIN using the BLINKIN LED Cable Adapter (REV-11-1105).
Always be sure to read the relevant rules and use appropriate gauge wiring before using anything on your competition robot.
After wiring your Blinkin into your robot, follow the setup instructions and follow the instructions on PWM control as desired.
In the FRC Control System, motor outputs range varies depending on which type of motor controller is initialized. The output pulse range is scaled from the user requested output power of -1 to 1 to the range defined for each type of Motor controller.
WPI Motor Control
Open Type
Minimum Pulse
Width Output (us)
Maximum Pulse
Width Output (us)
Talon SR
The SPARK motor controller type output directly matches the input to the Blinkin, which makes the math to convert the -1 to 1 code range to the 1000-2000us Blinkin input range the simplest. Other control types, including servo, from the roboRIO can also be used, but the user will need to scale input range correctly to ensure they are sending only a valid PWM range and that they can select the desired LED pattern.
As an example, referencing the Excerpt from the LED Pattern Tables includes an excerpt from the LED Pattern Tables, and includes the correct SPARK motor output value for each pattern. The table below lists motor control values associated with specific patterns:
LED Color/Pattern
Motor Output Value
Ocean Colored Rainbow
Larson Scanner (Similar to a Cylon)
Fast Heartbeat in User Selected Team Color 1
Solid Blue
Pulse Width
Pattern Type
Fixed Palette Pattern
Rainbow, Rainbow Palette
Fixed Palette Pattern
Rainbow, Party Palette
Fixed Palette Pattern
Rainbow, Ocean Palette
Fixed Palette Pattern
Larson Scanner, Red
Color 1 Pattern
Heartbeat Slow
Color 1 Pattern
Heartbeat Medium
Color 1 Pattern
Heartbeat Fast
Color 1 and 2 Pattern
Color Waves, Color 1 and 2
Solid Colors
Solid Colors
Blue Violet
Solid Colors
Adding LEDs to your robot (or other project) can do more than just make them look cool, you can use LEDs to provide critical visual feedback. Here are some examples:
Program a controller button to change the LED output pattern (e.g. 85 – Solid Yellow) and the drive can use the LEDs to communicate to the human player at a portal station across the field that the robot is ready to receive a game object.
If the driver has poor visibility to see if the robot has acquired a game object, add a sensor to the intake and the LED strip can be programmed to automatically display a new pattern when the object is acquired. The driver never has to take their eyes off the robot to check the dashboard because the robot will clearly display its status.
Using the match time value available in software, the LEDs can be changes to a time warning pattern (e.g. – Solid Red) with X seconds left in a match.
The robot can display a different pattern when enabled vs disabled which provides a more visible indicator of the state of the robot than the RSL.
Ratings are based on testing conducted by REV Robotics on the UltraPlanetary system. All load ratings are based on a safety factor of 1.2 to accommodate manufacturing tolerances. The torques listed are for the output of the stage.
3:1 Cartridge
Fails at 40 N-m
4:1 Cartridge
Fails at 40 N-m
5:1 Cartridge
Fails at 40 N-m
Shock loads can cause the gearbox to fail in situations where the steady-state torque is still within allowable limits.
Cantilevered load on the output shaft puts additional stress on the gearbox and will reduce the torque the gearbox can withstand.
Cartridge configuration tables for UltraPlanetary use a red rating system. If the motor and gear ratio combination is highlighted in red, the torque created by the motor can damage the gearbox. Non-highlighted combinations are within acceptable torque ranges.
Nominal gear ratios are used to reference the cartridge for ease of use in the following charts. For actual gear ratios for an individual cartridge, please reference the Actual Cartridge Gear Ratios Table. The final actual gear ratios are indicated in the cells.
When building your gearbox, make sure the highest gear reduction is closest to the motor.
The REV Robotics UltraPlanetary System includes the following features:
Three different gear ratio cartridges providing twenty-seven gear ratios ranging nominally from 3:1 to 125:1.
Pre-assembled cartridges for superior performance and ease of use.
Flexible output allowing for the designer to choose shaft length or mounting driven parts directly to the output stage.
The REV Robotics UltraPlanetary Cartridges are nominally 10mm thick and made of a plastic (reinforced nylon) molded ring gear with hardened steel planet and sun gears. Cartridges are pre-assembled and lubricated allowing for more time for iterating designs rather than assembling individual stages of gearbox. Check individual CAD Models for exact dimensions for each cartridge.
Alignment Ribs: Protrusions on the input side of the cartridge to help seat stages of the system together.
Assembly Holes: M3 assembly holes for attaching cartridges to input and output stages.
Input Gear: Sun Gear with a sliding fit for a 13 tooth, M0.55, gear.
Output Gear: 13 tooth, M0.55, carrier gear.
Each cartridge was designed with reliability, durability, and ease of use in mind while having a variety of output ratios when used in combination. Cartridges are referred to at the gear ratio of their closest whole number. For exact gear ratios of individual stages see Cartridge Details.
The REV Robotics UltraPlanetary Output Stage V2 (REV-41-1615) is nominally 17mm thick with 6mm protruding from the casing for output motion. The Output Stage is pre-assembled and made of a plastic (reinforced nylon) molded body with a ball bearing carrying the load of the Female Output Gear. Check the CAD Model for exact dimensions of the Output Stage.
Alignment Ribs: Protrusions on the input side of the output stage to help seat stages of the system together.
Assembly Holes: M3 assembly holes for attaching the output stage to cartridge and input stages.
Input Gear: Piece with sliding fit for a 13 tooth, M0.55, gear.
Female Output Gear: Female 5mm hex output for custom length shafts. Motion pattern present for directly attaching sprockets, gears, structure, and wheels.
When directly attaching Motion Components to the Output Stage, remove the set screw from the 5mm Hex Output
Part Number
Product Name
Nominal Gear Ratio
Actual Gear Ratio
UltraPlanetary Cartridge 3:1
84:29 (2.89:1)
UltraPlanetary Cartridge 4:1
76:21 (3.61:1)
UltraPlanetary Cartridge 5:1
68:13 (5.23:1)
When building your gearbox make sure the highest gear reduction is closest to the motor. Asterisked cells are omitted as they have a lower gear reduction closer to the motor.
One of the most common requests from Control Hub users is how to use the Blinkin to signal to a driver different actions the robot is performing. The basic code below walks through how to use the SDK to code the Blinkin to different actions. When a certain gamepad button is pressed the LED turns a solid color, if no buttons are pressed the LED defaults to the Beats Per Minute pattern with a Forest Pallette.
For information on the different patterns visit the LED Pattern Tables.
The Blinkin can run in a stand-alone operation mode when there is no way to generate a PWM signal, or a single output pattern is all that is needed. In this mode the Blinkin will be operating in Normal Mode with no input signal (blue blinking LED) and will default to the programmed no input signal pattern (factory setting is pattern 29 – Color Waves, Party Palette).
The currently displayed pattern can be changed at any time by pressing the up and down buttons to scroll through the pattern list. Unless a new default no signal test pattern is saved in memory by completing the setup mode process, the Blinkin will default back to the last saved pattern after a power cycle.
Connect to a 12V power source which can supply up to 5amps.
Select either a 12V or 5V LED strip.
Follow through Setup and Configuration to program to a default pattern.
Adding LEDs to your robot (or other project) can do more than just make them look cool, you can use LEDs to provide critical visual feedback. Here are some examples:
Program a controller button to change the LED output pattern (e.g. 85 – Solid Yellow) and the drive can use the LEDs to communicate to the human player at a portal station across the field that the robot is ready to receive a game object.
If the driver has poor visibility to see if the robot has acquired a game object, add a sensor to the intake and the LED strip can be programmed to automatically display a new pattern when the object is acquired. The driver never has to take their eyes off the robot to check the dashboard because the robot will clearly display its status.
Using the match time value available in software, the LEDs can be changes to a time warning pattern (e.g. – Solid Red) with X seconds left in a match.
The robot can display a different pattern when enabled vs disabled which provides a more visible indicator of the state of the robot than the RSL.
The REV Robotics UltraPlanetary standard configuration comes with the gearbox deconstructed allowing for the user to modify the total reduction needed for the application. Each cartridge is pre-assembled and lubricated allowing for easier customization. Below are steps for assembling a three stage, nominally 54:1 reduction, gearbox. For specifics on final gear reductions are in Cartridge Details.
The UltraPlanetary Hardware Kit comes with four different lengths of M3 socket head bolts and one length M3 button head bolts for assembling the gearbox. Different lengths of socket head bolts are needed to complete the assembly depending on the number of cartridges chosen. See the table below for more information.
Assembly Type
Hardware Size
Head Type
550 Motor Plate (required for all configurations)
Output Only
1 Cartridge and Output
2 Cartridges and Output
3 Cartridges and Output
5mm Hex Shaft Mounting
The M3x6mm Set Screw is used to mount 5mm Hex Shaft in the Female Output. This is not needed if a wheel, gear, sprocket, or pulley is face-mounted to the output.
UltraPlanetary Gearbox Cartridges are pre-lubricated and sealed. If during maintenance you find that a cartridge needs more grease, we recommend using a Molybdenum Grease to apply more lubrication such as Synthetic NLGI #2 Molybdenum Grease or MOLYKOTE® G-2008 Synthetic Tool Gear Grease.
For a Three Stage Assembly you will need all of the parts in the UltraPlanetary Gearbox Kit and a 2mm Allen Wrench.
Take the UltraPlanetary Mounting Plate and press it against the motor with pinion.
Take the two M3 x 8mm Button head screws and insert them into the mounting plate. Tighten the mounting plate to the motor.
Take the 5:1 Cartridge and place it onto the input pinon.
Note: Placing a finger on the output of the Cartridge helps for placement.
Repeat the above step with the 4:1 Cartridge and place it onto the output of the 5:1 cartridge.
Note: Placing a finger on the output of the Cartridge helps for placement.
Repeat the above step with the 3:1 Cartridge and place it onto the output of the 4:1 cartridge.
Note: Placing a finger on the output of the Cartridge helps for placement.
Take the Output Cartridge and place it onto the output of the 3:1 Cartridge.
Note: Placing a finger on the output of the Cartridge helps for placement.
Take 6 of the M3 x 40mm screws and insert them into the outer recessed ring of the UltraPlanetary Gearbox. Evenly tighten them in a star-pattern until they are hand tight. Note: Take care not to over tighten the gearbox housing screws. Hand tight is enough to keep the gearbox assembled.
UltraPlanetary Gearbox assembly is complete and ready for mounting and shaft selection.
Note: If using a 5mm Hex Shaft an M3 Set Screw is needed to secure the hex shaft in the output.
The Output Cartridge of the UltraPlanetary Gearbox allows for two different methods of powering motion by either attaching any length of 5mm hex shaft or attaching a sprocket, gear, pulley, or wheel to the motion pattern on the Output Cartridge. For adding a shaft on the UltraPlanetary Gearbox just loosen the set screw, slide in a hex shaft, and tighten the set screw.
REV wheels, sprockets, and gears all have the motion pattern on them. To attach a REV wheel, sprocket, or gear, line up the motion profile and add M3 hardware to bolt it into place.
When attaching Motion Components directly to UltraPlanetary Output do not insert the M3 set screw into the Female 5mm Hex Output.
REV UltraPlanetary Metal Motor Brackets are nominally 3mm thick and made from 5052 aluminum. Check individual CAD models or drawings for exact dimensions for each bracket. The table below shows all of the UltraPlanetary Mounting Brackets.
The UltraPlanetary Bent Mounting Bracket and the UltraPlanetary Flat Mounting Bracket are designed for use with the REV Extrusion Profile located on the REV 15mm Extrusion and REV Channel.
The UltraPlanetary Outside Mounting Bracket is designed for use with the REV Extended Motion Pattern present on REV Channel. Using the slotted holes of the Extended Motion Pattern allows for a centered location of the hex shaft. Consider using a 5mm Hex Bearing Block when using the U Channel to provide extra support for the shaft.
The exterior of the gearbox is completely symmetrical; however, it is NOT symmetrical internally. Depending on the orientation of the gearbox, the bevel gear on the output shaft could be on either side which will affect the rotation direction.
Before installing the gearbox, check the rotation direction by hand and orient it in the direction that produces the desired rotation direction.
Mounts directly to the output of the UltraPlanetary Gearbox
Mounting holes compatible with the REV Motion Pattern
Affix between pieces of channel in a channel drivetrain for a more compact design
Through-bore hex on the output allows positioning the gearbox in the middle of a shaft or using a very long shaft without needing to cut it
Blind socket hex input allows shafts of varying length and also captures the shaft when mounted to the output of an UltraPlanetary Gearbox
Ball bearings located on the input and output for a smooth performance
For adding a Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox you will need all of the parts in the Hardware Kit, a 1.5mm Allen Wrench, and a 2mm Allen Wrench.
With standard REV channel or brackets, the recommended screw length for mounting the Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox to REV motor brackets or channels is M3 x 6mm (REV-41-1713). REV recommends that no more than 4mm of thread engagement is used to mount the gearbox on the motion pattern faces.
You must be running Robot Controller App and Driver Station App version 10.0 to use a Servo Hub.
Servo Hub IDs should be set while the Servo Hub is disconnected from a Control Hub OR before powering the robot on. Servo Hubs previously connected to a robot may need to be power cycled before changing IDs.
By default, the Servo Hub's ID should be set to 3. This can be changed by connecting the Servo Hub directly to the REV Hardware Client using a USB-C cable. The Servo Hub will appear in the Hardware List as shown below:
The "CAN ID" is the individual ID for the Servo Hub.
Each Servo Hub and Expansion Hub must have a unique ID before being able to complete the configuration process.
The CAN ID can be set between 1-10 for FTC. After choosing the ID, click "Set CAN ID".
Expansion Hubs default to ID 1 or 2.
The new Servo Hub ID is not set!
Select the menu in the stop right corner of the Driver Station app. Then select Configure Robot.
In the Available configurations page, select New.
In the USB Devices in configuration page select the Control Hub Portal. Note: If you have an Expansion Hub connected via USB it will appear as an Expansion Hub Portal.
Pressing "Scan" on an existing configuration may result in the already named devices being erased. A new configuration file is needed when adding a camera or Expansion Hub over USB.
All connected Servo or Expansion Hubs using RS485 will appear within the menu of the portal. If you are using multiple Servo Hubs, they can be identified by their ID number.
Menu while using a single Servo Hub:
Menu while using multiple Servo Hubs:
This menu will appear the same if the Servo Hub is connected to another Servo Hub or an Expansion Hub connected using RS485.
Select the Servo Hub where you are adding servos
Select the "Servos" option
This will open a configuration menu similar to what is used for motors and sensors!
Select your desired option from the dropdown menu
Assign the device an appropriate name
Click "Done" once all names are entered to return to the main Servo Hub menu
Click "Done" again on to return to the list of all connected Hubs
The REV Servo Hub is compatible with both the REV ION and REV DUO systems. Over a single communication interface it can provide advanced control of up to six (6) servos. This means that the Servo Hub needs no additional PWM cabling between it and your robot controller, greatly simplifying wiring.
Future firmware updates will unlock additional features like current measurements for each output channel, CAN communication, control individual channel power to enable powered-off servo states, and even adjustable output voltage to provide adaptability to a wide range of servo classes.
The Servo Hub is easy to update and configure over the USB-C connection utilizing the REV Hardware Client. With a total current output of 15A shared across all channels, the Servo Hub will give you the power you need to succeed on the field!
Advanced Servo Channels
Status LED indicates PWM signal status and faults
Individual channel current measurement†
Individually switchable channel output power†
Configurable output voltage†
Over-current protection
Reverse polarity protection
ESD protection
† - Features available after future software updates.
Each of the Servo Hub's individual port pins are rated for approximately 3 A. This rating, of the port itself, highly depends on the quality of the connection between the Servo Hub and the connector of the servo it is driving.
The Servo Hub has been designed with powerful servos in mind. Many of REV's customers' favorite servos have a stall current of 4 Amps or more. While we don't believe the 4 A stall current will produce enough heat to cause problems with a properly seated and quality connection, a poor connection can cause overheating and thermal runaway that can lead to damage.
The best way to ensure you are making the most of your Servo Power Module's output, is to check that all input and output connections are fully seated with no gaps.
It is important to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum total output current of your Servo Power Module. To do this, add together the stall current of each servo being powered by the Servo Power Module. If the total stall current is higher than 15A, you risk triggering the overcurrent protection. Consider reducing the number of servos connected to prevent triggering the overcurrent protections.
Servo Motors are controlled using a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), where the width of a pulse determines the servo's behavior. The pulse is typically sent to the servo every 20 milliseconds, and the duration of the pulse (measured in microseconds) communicates the desired position or speed.
For angular servo motors, the pulse width directly corresponds to the target position of the servo arm. The Servo Hub allows users to customize the pulse width range to suit their specific servo with a configurable minimum, maximum, and center position. Users can adjust these values to match the servo's capabilities or desired behavior.
A shorter pulse width, typically either 1,000 µs (1 ms), or 500 µs (0.5ms), moves the servo to its minimum position (e.g., fully counterclockwise).
A longer pulse width, typically either 2,000 µs (2 ms), or 2500 µs (2.5ms), moves the servo to its maximum position (e.g., fully clockwise).
A pulse width near the midpoint, typically 1,500 µs (1.5 ms), positions the servo arm at the center.
For continuous rotation servos, the pulse width determines the direction and speed of rotation rather than position. The Servo Hub's configurable minimum, maximum, and center settings can also help calibrate continuous rotation servos. Fine adjustments can be made to the center pulse width to ensure the servo stops accurately at the neutral point.
A pulse width of 1,500 µs (1.5 ms) typically stops the servo (no movement).
Shorter pulse widths (e.g., 1,000 µs) cause the servo to rotate in one direction, with speed increasing as the pulse width decreases.
Longer pulse widths (e.g., 2,000 µs) cause the servo to rotate in the opposite direction, with speed increasing as the pulse width increases.
Understanding how pulse width controls your servo and leveraging the REV Servo Hub's features can help optimize your servo’s performance for your robot. Test each servo to confirm its behavior and supported pulse width range before integrating it into your system. We suggest the following as a good place to start understanding your servo motors:
Servo Variations: Always check the documentation for your specific servo, as pulse width ranges and behavior may vary.
Signal Integrity: Ensure the PWM signal is clean and consistent to avoid jittering or erratic behavior.
Nominal gear ratios are used to reference the product name for ease of use for the following chart. For actual gear ratios please reference the .
Nominal gear ratios are used to reference the product name for ease of use for the following chart. For actual gear ratios please reference the .
In Java the Blinkin LED pattern is assigned by using the CONSTANT_CASE naming convention. For instance, if you would like to utilize the Custom Color Pattern, Color Gradient the constant variable name is:
Flat Mounting Bracket
Bent Mounting Bracket
Long Reach Mounting Bracket
Outside Mounting Bracket
With an efficient right-angle configuration, the Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox () () offers a robust solution to building a more compact robot. The Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox allows you to connect the UltraPlanetary Gearbox and the HD Hex Motor in a 90-degree orientation for maximum flexibility and ease of use in tight spaces. This versatile gearbox can also be used to transfer power between two 5mm hex shafts that are at a right-angle configuration.
This assembly guide assumes you have a fully assembled UltraPlanetary Gearbox mounted to your motor of choice. Please see the if you do not have a fully assembled UltraPlanetary Gearbox.
Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox
M3 x 40mm
Hex Shaft
5mm x 20mm
UltraPlanetary Face Mount Spacer
M3 x 40mm
Operating Voltage Range
Output Voltage
Max Total Output
Channel Max Output Current †
Latching WAGO Connectors
Supported Wire Gauge (Bare Solid/Stranded)
Bare Wire Strip Length
Supported Wire Gauge (Stranded, with ferrule)
Servo Connectors
PWM cable (standard 3-wire 0.1” pitch)
PWM cable (standard 3-wire 0.1” pitch)
Please see the notes About the Max. Current Specifications for more information.
Number of Servo Channels
85.7 (3.374)
47.6 (1.874)
18.3 (0.72)
Mounting Hole Diameter
#10 Clearance
Mounting Hole Pattern
3 by 1.5
500 µs
Fully Counterclockwise
1,500 µs
2,500 µs
Fully Clockwise
500 µs
Full Speed (Clockwise)
1,500 µs
2,500 µs
Full Speed (Counterclockwise)
The REV Robotics SRS Programmer is the key to unlocking all the smart features of the Smart Robot Servo (SRS).
Switching between continuous rotation, standard servo, and custom angular modes is easy as pressing a button. The SRS Programmer can not only program the SRS, but it is also acts as a standalone servo tester for any standard RC servo.
The REV Robotics SRS Programmer includes the following features:
3 programming modes
Continuous rotation
Angular limits
Reset to factory defaults
Test modes
Automatic sweep
Manual position/direction
Intuitive operation with LED feedback
Power-off reminder
Mechanical Specifications
70.5mm x 64.5mm x 35.5mm
Power Source
4 AA batteries
Power Output
6V nominal
Logic Level (Signal Out)
Output Pulse Width Range
550μs – 2450μs
Center Pulse Width
The REV Robotics SRS comes with the following:
REV SRS Programmer
If the SRS Programmer is left on for an extended period of inactivity, it will blink every LED as a reminder to shut off power.
This troubleshooting guide helps diagnose and resolve issues with the REV Servo Hub.
If the Servo Hub is unresponsive (no lights):
Check Power Supply:
Verify the power supply provides sufficient voltage (6–12V recommended).
If using a REV PDH, check the breaker for the channel powering the Servo Hub.
Inspect Wiring:
Ensure all wires are securely connected.
Perform a tug test on the power connections.
Enter Recovery Mode:
If the Servo Hub has power but no LEDs light up, follow the recovery mode instructions below.
The Servo Hub protects itself and the connected servos from overcurrent conditions. There are two types of overcurrent faults:
Condition: A channel exceeds 6A for a prolonged period or experiences short spikes above 7A.
Indicators: Channel LED blinks amber at a high frequency and/or power to the affected channel is removed.
Remove the load from the servo.
Allow the current to drop to clear the fault.
Condition: The total current across all six channels exceeds 15A.
Indicators: All channel LEDs blink amber at a high frequency and/or power to all channels is removed.
Disconnect servos and inspect for faults or excessive current draw.
Ensure no channel is shorted.
The fault will clear 1 second after the total current drops below 15A.
Common Causes:
Overcurrent faults may indicate excessive load or a servo malfunction. Disconnect and test the servos individually.
Stalled high-power servos (e.g., Axon Max with a stall current of ~4A).
Shorts in servo wiring.43
The Servo Hub will alternate between blue and orange on the main status LED when the input voltage is low:
Low Voltage Threshold: Below 5.5V.
Clearing Voltage: Above 6.5V.
Check the voltage of the battery powering the Servo Hub and recharge if needed.
Ensure connections to the battery are secure.
Low voltage can cause unexpected behavior.
A CAN fault occurs when the Servo Hub detects unreliable communication on the CAN bus. The main status LED will alternate between yellow and orange.
Inspect Wiring:
Perform a tug test to ensure connections are secure.
Verify there’s enough bare wire in the Wago connectors.
Check Termination Resistors:
Ensure proper termination at both ends of the CAN bus.
Test for Shorts:
Inspect for shorts in the CAN wiring.
When the Servo Hub cannot detect a connection to a controller or the REV Hardware Client, the main status LED will flash magenta.
Check the Hardware Client:
Open the REV Hardware Client and ensure it recognizes the Servo Hub.
Check CAN Connection:
Verify the CAN bus wiring.
Use the Hardware Client to check if other devices on the CAN bus are visible.
Inspect roboRIO:
Ensure the roboRIO has power.
Verify the roboRIO configuration and connections.
Ensure the channel is enabled (LED is not blinking amber).
Check the servo wiring for loose connections or damage.
Verify the servo is compatible with the configured pulse width range.
Inspect the Disable Behavior configuration:
Some servos may jitter or misbehave when powered but not receiving a signal. Consider using kDoNotSupplyPower
Test with another servo to rule out hardware issues.
If the channel LED is off, verify the channel is properly configured in the program.
Check wiring and servo functionality.
Test with another servo to confirm channel operation.
Double check that each Servo Hub has a unique CAN ID by connecting it via USB to the REV Hardware Client
Servo Hubs must have a different ID than an Expansion Hub. Expansion Hubs default to ID 1 or 2
You must be running Robot Controller App AND Driver Station App version 10.0 to use a Servo Hub.
Check first that the Servo Hub is receiving proper power and that the RS485 cable is secure
Double check that each Servo Hub has a unique CAN ID by connecting it via USB to the REV Hardware Client
Servo Hubs must have a different ID than an Expansion Hub. Expansion Hubs default to ID 1 or 2
When a Servo Hub is connected to a Control Hub, directly or through another Hub, it will be set to a "read-only" mode when interacting with the REV Hardware Client. This means the Client cannot update the ID or firmware, and features, such as the ability to run servos, will not be available.
Power down the robot or disconnect the RS845 cable leading to the Servo Hub
Power cycle the Servo Hub
You should now be able to connect the Servo Hub via USB-C to the REV Hardware Client to set the ID or use the Client features
This error appears if the Control Hub has lost communication with a Servo Hub that was previously established in the configuration file
Double check the Servo Hub is receiving proper and securely wired
If the Servo Hub ID has been changed or a different Servo Hub with a different ID has been connected as a substitute:
Change the Servo Hub ID to match the one in the configuration OR
Create a new configuration file with the updated ID
If you are removing the Servo Hub completely, create a new configuration file.
Change the Servo Hub's ID to between 1-10 to avoid potential conflicts. Expansion Hubs default to having ID 1 or 2.
When connecting over USB-C to a Control Hub with a Servo Hub connected it will appear as an Expansion Hub within the Client as seen below:
This is expected behavior as of RHC Version 1.7.0. To update the Servo Hub, disconnect it from the Control Hub and power cycle it before connecting only the Servo Hub via USB-C.
If the Servo Hub is unresponsive, use recovery mode to restore functionality.
Steps to Enter Recovery Mode:
Power off the Servo Hub.
Press and hold the mode button on the Servo Hub.
While holding the button, power on the Servo Hub.
Release the button once the channel 4 red LED and channel 5 green LED are on.
The Servo Hub will now be ready to recover via the REV Hardware Client.
By following this guide, users can diagnose and resolve most common issues with the REV Servo Hub. If problems persist, contact REV Robotics support for further assistance.
The REV Robotics Smart Robot Servo (SRS) (REV-41-1097) is a configurable metal-geared servo that takes the guesswork out of aligning and adjusting servo based mechanisms. One SRS can be used as a standard angular servo, a custom angular servo, and a continuous rotation servo by simply changing its settings with the SRS Programmer.
The Smart Robot Servo has a 25T output spline. A spline is a specific groove pattern cut into the shaft which allows the rotation of the servo motor to be transmitted to the attached Aluminum Servo Horn (REV-41-1363) or Servo Adapter. Splines are like keys, so only matched types will fit together. If the internal gears or spline of the REV Robotics Smart Robot Servo become damaged, they are replaceable using a Replacement Gear Set (REV-41-1168).
The REV Robotics Smart Robot Servo includes the following features:
Default operation:
270° motion over full input pulse range
Metal gears
Smart features
Programmable with REV SRS Programmer (REV-31-1108)
Servo Limit Mode
Set right and left angular limits
SRS will not move past limits
Continuous Mode
SRS spins continuously
Speed and direction set by input pulse
Value and Units
Stall torque (at 6V)
13.5 kg-cm / 187.8 oz-in
Speed (at 6V)
Maximum angular range
Gear Material
Spline Type
40.2mm x 20.0mm x 38.0mm
Voltage Rating
Stall Current (at 6V)
Input Pulse
The REV Robotics SRS comes with the following:
REV Smart Robot Servo
Servo horn (arm) assortment
Servo horn mounting hardware
Out of the box, the SRS operates as a 270° servo. However, the REV SRS Programmer can reconfigure the SRS to set angular limits or switch it into a continuous rotation mode.
For more information on how to use the SRS programmer to change the servo modes see the Switching Operation Modes section
The default range for the SRS is 270°. This range is mapped to an input pulse range of 500μs to 2500μs with 1500μs as the center point. The image below describes the pulse-to-angle relationship.
The SRS can be configured with the SRS Programmer to operate in a continuous rotation mode. In this mode, the same input pulse range is mapped to direction and speed. The table below lists the pulse mapping for direction and speed.
The SRS can be easily configured with the SRS Programmer to limit right and left motion at two user-defined angles. Input pulses that occur past the limits will be ignored and the SRS will hold the limit angle. Any two angles can be set as limits as long as the left limit is left of the center dead band and the right limit is to the right of the center dead band. The table below shows the valid regions for left and right limits.
Once valid limits are programmed, the SRS will ignore any pulses that exceed the limits and hold the limit angle. For example, the image below exhibits what would happen a left limit of -30° and a right limit of +60° was set.
REV Robotics Servo Adapters fit 25T spline servos like the REV Robotics Smart Robot Servo. In addition to the variety pack of generic servo horns which come with the Smart Robot Servo, there are five other custom servo adapters which make using servos with the REV ION Build System easy.
Aluminum Servo Shaft Adapters (REV-41-1558) convert a 25T spline servo output shaft into a female 5mm hex socket. This adapter can be used to drive a hex shaft directly.
Aluminum Servo Horns (REV-41-1828) have a tapped hole pattern that can be directly mounted to any of the REV Robotics gears, wheels, or sprockets with the Motion Pattern.
Aluminum Double Servo Arms (REV-41-1820) have two tapped holes that can be directly mounted to any of the REV Robotics extrusion, channel, or brackets.
Aluminum 1/2in Rounded Hex Servo Shaft (REV-21-2892) converts a servo to a 1/2in Hex shaft for use with all other ION mechanical system components
Plastic 1/2in Hex Linkage Arm (REV-21-2895) used to control a linkage, flap, lever or pushrod
Plastic Face Mount Bracket The ION Servo Face Mount Bracket (REV-21-2896) allows for easy integration of Servo Motors into the ION System.
The REV Servo Hub uses LEDs to provide visual feedback about the device's status and individual channel states. Understanding these indicators helps diagnose issues and monitor system performance.
Important: These led patterns only apply to firmware version 24.0.0 and later
The main Status LED on the Servo Hub communicates the overall state of the device. Below is a table explaining the various patterns and their meanings:
Magenta Blinking
The Servo Hub is powered on but not connected to a controller or the REV Hardware Client.
Blue Solid
The Servo Hub is connected to the Communication established the REV Hardware Client.
Solid Cyan
The Servo Hub is connected to a roboRIO or other CAN controller. †
Green Solid
The Servo Hub is connected to a Control Hub or other RS-485 controller. The number of blue blinks is the same as the Servo Hub's address. The factory default address is 3.
Orange/Cyan Blinking
Battery Voltage is lower than 5.5V. Please check the Servo Hub's Power Supply. This fault will clear when the input voltage is raised above 6.5V.
Orange/Yellow Blinking
A CAN fault has been detected. Verify CAN bus wiring and connections.
Orange/Magenta Blinking
An overcurrent fault has occurred. Check the connected servos and reduce the load if necessary.
Faults are not reported to logs when the Servo Hub is connected via RS485.
Each servo channel on the REV Servo Hub has its own dedicated LED, which provides feedback about the channel’s state and current PWM signal. Below is the meaning of each LED pattern:
Channel LEDs reflect the current state of the PWM signal, helping users verify servo behavior in real-time.
Disabled channels still show feedback via a blinking amber LED, making it easy to differentiate inactive channels.
Amber Solid
The channel is at the center position (typically 1,500 µs pulse width).
Green Blinking
The pulse width is between center and maximum (e.g., 1,500–2,000 µs).
Green Solid
The channel is at the maximum position (e.g., 2,000 µs).
Red Blinking
The pulse width is between center and minimum (e.g., 1,500–1,000 µs).
Red Solid
The channel is at the minimum position (e.g., 1,000 µs).
Amber Blinking
The channel is disabled. The signal pin is pulled low, and no PWM signal is being sent.
Quick Amber Blinking
The channel is faulted. This can mean that either the device does not have sufficient power, neither the RoboRIO nor the Control Hub heartbeat is present, or the channel is experiencing an overcurrent event.
Amber Solid
The servo is stopped (typically 1,500 µs pulse width).
Green Blinking
The servo is running forward (e.g., 1,500–2,000 µs).
Green Solid
The servo is running forward at maximum speed (e.g., 2,000 µs).
Red Blinking
The servo is running in reverse (e.g., 1,500–1,000 µs).
Red Solid
The servo is running in reverse at full speed (e.g., 1,000 µs).
Amber Blinking
The channel is disabled. The signal pin is pulled low, and no PWM signal is being sent.
Quick Amber Blinking
The channel is faulted. This can mean that either the device does not have sufficient power, neither the RoboRIO nor the Control Hub heartbeat is present, or the channel is experiencing an overcurrent event.
The Smart Robot Servo is a metal-geared servo with the ability to replace the metal-gears it they become damaged during use. Damage to the gear set can occur if the servo receives a shock load to the system. This guide explains the process of removing and replacing the gears in the REV Smart Robot Servo (REV-41-1097) using the Replacement Gear Set (REV-41-1168).
To replace the gear set in the Smart Robot Servo you will need the following items:
Smart Robot Servo (REV-41-1097) – QTY 1
Replacement Gear Set (REV-41-1168) – QTY 1
Phillips Head Screwdriver (PH0) – QTY 1
The replacement gears are shipped un-greased. They need grease to run smoothly, so make sure the is enough grease in the gearbox, and if not, add equivalent of ~1/4” diameter sphere of grease to gears in the gearbox.
Step 1
Remove the four screws that hold the upper casing.
Step 2
Remove the upper casing. Orient the servo so that the servo wire is to the left-hand side.
Step 3
Remove the the reduction and output gears. The last silver gear is removed with the axle as one unit.
Step 4
Remove the axle pin from the silver gear and replace gear if necessary. Note: replacement gears are shipped un-greased. Please grease all replacement gears before installing.
Step 5
Attach silver gear to the axle pin.
Step 6
Place the new silver gear onto the servo unit making sure contact with the servo motor's output shaft first, then slide the axle into the axle opening.
Step 7
Place the second gear in place. Make sure the lower level of teeth on this gear mesh with the upper level of teeth on the silver gear.
Step 8
Next place the output shaft gear in position. Make sure to align the slot in the gear with the tab on the servo.
Step 9
Once the output shaft is in place correctly, it should be seated securely but not touching any other gears.
Step 10
Place the final gear on the middle shaft. It should first mesh with the output shaft on its lower set of teeth, and then its upper teeth will mesh with the gear on the right shaft.
Step 11
Finally, reattach the top plastic cover, making sure to place it directly down on top of the gears so that they don’t become misaligned. Reattach the 4 screws and the servo is ready to operate.
Out of the box, the SRS operates as a 270° servo. However, the REV SRS Programmer can reconfigure the SRS to set angular limits or switch it into a continuous rotation mode. The SRS Programmer has several operating modes for configuring and testing the REV Smart Robot Servo. The following sections describe each operating mode in detail.
The default range for the SRS is 270°. This range is mapped to an input pulse range of 500μs to 2500μs with 1500μs as the center point. The image below describes the pulse-to-angle relationship.
The SRS can be configured with the SRS Programmer to operate in a continuous rotation mode. In this mode, the same input pulse range is mapped to direction and speed. The table below lists the pulse mapping for direction and speed.
Follow the steps below to switch a REV Smart Robot Servo between Continuous Mode and Servo Mode. The figure below shows the process to select Continuous Mode.
Connect the SRS to the programmer.
Turn on the programmer.
Slide the mode switch to the desired mode: C - Continuous, S - Servo.
Press and release the PROGRAM button once.
The PROGRAM LED should blink and then stay solid indicating success.
The SRS can be easily configured with the SRS Programmer to limit right and left motion at two user-defined angles. Input pulses that occur past the limits will be ignored and the SRS will hold the limit angle. Any two angles can be set as limits as long as the left limit is left of the center dead band and the right limit is to the right of the center dead band. The table below shows the valid regions for left and right limits.
Once valid limits are programmed, the SRS will ignore any pulses that exceed the limits and hold the limit angle. For example, the image below exhibits what would happen a left limit of -30° and a right limit of +60° was set.
Follow the steps below to set the angular limits for the Servo Mode. The figure below shows an example of setting a left and right limits at -54° and +81° respectively.
Start with the SRS already configured in Servo Mode, see section Switching Modes for instructions.
Connect the SRS to the programmer.
Turn on the programmer.
Slide the mode switch to S position.
This step is optional, but recommended to make it easier to see the valid limit ranges. Please refer to the SRS User's Manual for more information about the valid limit ranges.
Press and release the TEST button twice to enter Manual Test Mode (see Test Modes for more information).
Press the PROGRAM button to center the servo at 0°.
Press and release the TEST button once to leave the test mode.
Manually rotate the servo to the desired left limit position.
Press and release the LEFT button. The LEFT LED will illuminate if the position is valid.
Manually rotate the servo to the desired right limit position.
Press and release the RIGHT button. The RIGHT LED will illuminate if the position is valid.
After both limits are set, press and release the PROGRAM button. The PROGRAM LED should blink and then stay solid indicating success.
Follow the steps below to reset the Smart Robot Servo to its default mode and limits. The figure below shows the process to reset to defaults.
Connect SRS to the programmer.
Turn on the programmer.
Slide the mode switch to S position.
Press and hold the PROGRAM button for at least 5 seconds.
The LEDs will blink and then the PROGRAM LED will stay solid indicating success.
In either Continuous or Servo Modes, pressing and releasing the TEST button cycles through the two test modes:
1st press - Automatic Sweep Mode
2nd press - Manual Test Mode
3rd press - Return to default state
The section below will cover the two different test modes.
In Automatic Sweep Mode, the SRS Programmer will automatically sweep the SRS through motions appropriate for its configuration. the table below describes the behavior based on the configured mode.
Servo and Programmer Mode
Continuous Mode (C)
Sweeping direction and speed
Servo Mode (S)
Sweeping between limits
In Manual Test Mode the LEFT, PROGRAM, and RIGHT buttons control the movement of the SRS. The table below describes how the SRS will behave based on the configured mode.
If the SRS Programmer is left on for an extended period of inactivity, it will blink every LED as a reminder to shut off power.
The REV Servo Power Module is a 6V 90W power injector that enables the use of standard servos in applications where a robot controller cannot provide adequate power. The following Quick Start Guide describes the Servo Power Module features and the necessary information to get it up and running.
#6 Screw Mounting Holes
Six High-Power 6V DC Output for Servos
Status LED for each Channel
6V Power LED Indicator
Integrated DC-DC Converter
Over-Current Shutdown
ESD Protection
12V Power Input
If the Servo Power Module detects a total output current larger than 15A it will enter a shutdown mode where the 6V output is disabled until the over-current condition has remedied. While in shutdown the blue power LED will turn off, dim, or flicker indicating the over-current condition is still present. In the case of frequent over-current shutdowns, ensure that the total stall current of all connected servos does not exceed 15A.
Due to the shared power architecture of the six output ports, if a single connected servo draws larger than its expected power, the internal regulator will provide up 15A before going into a limiting over-current mode. While the regulator is designed to provide 15 A of current, the individual port pins are rated for approximately 3 A. This rating, of the port itself, highly depends on the quality of the connection between the Servo Power Module and the servo it is driving.
Additionally, as technology has advanced and become more accessible, teams have started using more powerful servos- many having a stall current of 4 Amps or more. While we don't believe the 4 A stall current will produce enough heat to cause problems with a properly seated and quality connection, a poor connection can cause overheating and thermal runaway that can lead to damage.
The best way to ensure you are making the most of your Servo Power Module's output, is to check that all input and output connections are fully seated with no gaps.
It is important to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum total output current of your Servo Power Module. To do this, add together the stall current of each servo being powered by the Servo Power Module. If the total stall current is higher than 15A, you risk triggering the overcurrent protection. Consider reducing the number of servos connected to prevent triggering the overcurrent protections.
The Servo Power Module has two screw terminals for 12V power input. It is recommended to use ring or fork terminals designed for #6 or M3 screw terminals. Using an appropriate wire gauge, 18 AWG or larger, tightly crimp either a ring or fork terminal on the wire. Insert the crimped terminal into the screw terminal and tighten the screw. The input and output channels accept standard 3-wire 0.1” pitch servo/PWM cables. Please refer to the figure below or the case markings for proper orientation.
Each channel has a corresponding status LED that will indicate the sensed state of the connected PWM signal. The table below describes each state’s corresponding LED pattern.
The Digital LED Indicator produces light that is usable as visual feedback for a human user. Using the Digital LED Indicator to show what state the robot is in is useful for debugging autonomous and teleoperated programs. Other sensors used with the LED Indicator can let robot operators know a variety of things, from if the robot has game elements to the robot being blocked from completing an action.
Configure the green LED on port 0 as "green." Configure the red LED on port 1 as "red."
Each digital port on the Control (or Expansion) Hub is capable of acting as two separate ports, thanks to the two channels of communication. This is why the ports are marked as 0-1, 2-3, etc. The n+1 channel operates on odd-numbered ports 1-7 and the n channel operates on the even number ports 0-6. Due to the two channels of communication, the green and red LED must be configured on the ports that correspond with their respective channel of communication.
The Digital LED Indicator (REV-31-2010) is a LED signal module that is digitally controlled (active low) and offers three colors: red, green, and amber. The Digital LED Indicator is designed to directly interface with the DIO ports of the Control Hub and Expansion Hub.When using the Digital LED Indicator outside of the REV Hub environment, make sure to check that your device GPIO pins’ current sink rating can handle 20mA.
1) Insert the 20mm long hex shaft into the output of the gearbox.
2) Place the Face Mount Spacer on the output of the the gearbox as shown.
Note: Line up the short edge of the spacer with a flat side of the UltraPlanetary gearbox body.
3) Rotate the hex shaft output so that it lines up with the hex input on the Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox.
4) Slide the two gearboxes together. Rotate the Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox until the spacer and gearbox body line up.
5) Insert the 4 mounting screws in the holes on the end of the Ultra 90 Degree Gearbox. Ensure that they line up with the holes in the spacer and the gearbox.
6) Tighten the 4 mounting screws hand-tight. Then alternate between slightly tightening screws diagonally across from each other in an X shaped pattern.
Note: Take care not to over tighten the mounting screws.
More information on digital ports and the channels of of communication on the Control and Expansions Hubs can be found in the Digital Sensor documentation. More information on the communication channels that the LED Indicator uses can be found in the .
The sample code below changes the color of the Digital LED Indicator based on the state of a Touch Sensor ().
Value and Units
Nominal Input Voltage
Operating Voltage Range
Minimum Startup Voltage
Output Voltage
Number of Channels
Max. Total Output Current (across all Channels)
Max. Total Output Current Per Channel †
Max. Total Output Power
3.6" x 1.52" x 0.81"
Updated August 2024 to include clarifications for using the Servo Power Module with newer, more powerful servos that have stall currents greater than what the hardware of the port is rated for. Please see our section about the Max. Current Specifications for more information.
No Signal
Blinking Amber
Left/Reverse Signal
Solid Red
Center/Neutral Signal
Solid Amber
Right/Forward Signal
Solid Green
Part Number
Digital LED Indicator
JST PH 4-Pin Sensor Cable
Value and Units
Operating Voltage
Current Draw (at 3.3V)
20mA - single LED40mA - both LEDs
Input Type
DIO (Active Low)
Color Modes
Red (Single LED on) Green (Single LED on) Amber (both LEDs on)
Forward Voltage
2.2V (Green)2.1V (Red)
Viewing Angle
170 degrees
28mm x 13.5mm
Mounting Hole Diameter
3.81mm (0.15")
n Digital Input
n+1 Digital Input
LED Mode