REVLib Information

We're Updating our Documentation! For the most up-to-date information about the SPARK MAX and other ION Motor Controllers please check out the following new documentation pages:

Below you will find information on how to download and install REVLib for LabVIEW, Java, and C++.


Current REVLib Version



Embedded (Press Ctrl-H)



Migrating from the SPARK MAX API and/or Color Sensor V3 API

Beginning with 2022, The SPARK MAX API and the Color Sensor V3 API have been merged into a unified library called REVLib. You need to make sure that you have uninstalled those old libraries before you install REVLib.

LabVIEW migration

  1. Ensure that the old SPARK MAX API and/or Color Sensor V3 API packages are uninstalled.

  2. Opening a project that used the old APIs should work fine. When it is loading, it may show that there are some missing VIs, but eventually LabVIEW should find the new VIs automatically.

C++/Java migration

  1. Open your robot project in VSCode.

  2. Click on the WPI icon in the corner to open the WPI Command Pallet.

  3. Select Manage Vendor Libraries.

  4. Select Manage Current Libraries.

  5. Check the REVRobotics and/or REVColorSensorV3 items (whichever ones are present)

  6. Click the OK button to uninstall them.

  7. Install REVLib for C++ and Java.

Downloads and Installation Instructions


REVLib LabVIEW - Version 2023.1.3
  1. Download the latest REVLib LabVIEW package from the download link above.

  2. Make sure LabVIEW for FRC 2023 is installed and updated.

  3. Open the REVLib LabVIEW Package. The NI Package Manager should automatically open.

  4. Click Next:

  5. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to access the REVLib VIs at LabVIEW Functions Pallet -> WPI Robotics Library -> Third Party -> REV Robotics.

C++ and Java

REVLib C++/Java - Version 2023.1.3

Online Installation

You can use the online method to install REVLib C++/Java if your development machine is connected to the internet:

  1. Open your robot project in VSCode.

  2. Click on the WPI icon in the corner to open the WPI Command Pallet.

  3. Select Manage Vendor Libraries.

  4. Select Install new library (online).

  5. Enter the following installation URL and press ENTER:

Offline Installation

  1. Download and unzip the latest REVLib into the C:\Users\Public\wpilib\2023 directory on Windows and ~/wpilib/2023 directory on Unix-like systems.

  2. Follow the WPILib instructions for Adding Offline Libraries.

Java API Documentation

For a list and description of all classes:

C++ API Documentation

For a list and description of all classes:


Version 2023.1.3

This version of REVLib requires SPARK MAX Firmware v1.6.3. Please update your SPARK MAX through the REV Hardware Client.

  • Improves documentation for the setZeroOffset() and getZeroOffset() methods on Absolute Encoder objects

  • Fixes issue where reading an absolute encoder’s zero offset could return an incorrect value in certain conditions

Version 2023.1.2

This version of REVLib requires SPARK MAX Firmware v1.6.2. Please update your SPARK MAX through the REV Hardware Client.

  • Adds support to configure the hall sensor's velocity measurement

    • C++/Java: Updates SetMeasurementPeriod() and SetAverageDepth() in the SparkMaxRelativeEncoder class to be used when the relative encoder is configured to be of type kHallSensor.

    • LabVIEW: Adds SPARK MAX Configure Hall and SPARK MAX Get Hall Sensor to set and get the hall sensor's measurement period and average depth.

Version 2023.1.1

  • Adds support for WPILib 2023

  • Adds support for using a duty cycle absolute encoder as a feedback device for the SPARK MAX

    • C++/Java: Adds SparkMaxAbsoluteEncoder class

    • LabVIEW: Adds VIs for configuring and getting the values from a duty cycle absolute encoder

  • Adds Position PID Wrapping to allow continuous input for the SPARK MAX PID controller

    • C++/Java: Adds PositionPIDWrapping methods to the SparkMaxPIDController class

    • LabVIEW: Adds VIs for setting and getting the Position PID Wrapping configuration

  • Allows configuring the periodic frame rates for status frames 4-6

Version 2022.1.2

Breaking Changes

  • LabVIEW: The version of NI Package Manager bundled with the FRC LabVIEW offline installer will no longer work when installing the REVLib package. NIPM must be updated to the latest version or installed from the FRC LabVIEW online installer to be able to install this package of REVLib for LabVIEW


  • LabVIEW: Adds Spark MAX Set and Spark MAX Get

Known issues

  • SparkMaxPIDController.setIAccum() only works while the control mode is active

  • LabVIEW: VIs to get the SPARK MAX controller parameters do not work

Version 2022.1.1


  • Adds Linux aarch64 (64-bit ARM) build

  • C++: Adds missing GetAlternateEncoder(int countsPerRev) method

Version 2022.1.0


  • Java: Adds initial WPILib simulation support

    • Supports ControlType.kVelocity and ControlType.kVoltage

    • To use, make the following modifications to your Robot class (adjust parameters as necessary):

      • Call RevPhysicsSim.getInstance().addSparkMax(sparkMax, DCMotor.getNEO(1)) from simulationInit()

      • Call from simulationPeriodic()

      • These changes will keep the simulated position value up-to-date.

    • Limitations

      • When in simulation mode, calling setReference() will only update the velocity of the primary encoder, even if SparkMaxPIDController.setFeedbackDevice() was called with a different feedback sensor


  • C++: Fixes move semantics for supported classes

Known issues

  • SparkMaxPIDController.setIAccum() only works while the control mode is active

Version 2022.0.0

Breaking changes

  • C++/Java: CANError has been renamed to REVLibError.

  • Java: ColorMatch.makeColor() and the ColorShim class have been removed. Use the WPILib Color class instead.

  • C++/Java: Deleted deprecated constructors, methods, and types

    • Replace deprecated constructors with CANSparkMax.getX() functions.

    • Replace CANEncoder.getCPR() with getCountsPerRevolution().

    • Remove all usages of CANDigitalInput.LimitSwitch.

    • Replace CANSparkMax.getAlternateEncoder() with CANSparkMax.getAlternateEncoder(int countsPerRev).

    • Remove all usages of CANSparkMax.setMotorType(). You can only set the motor type in the constructor now.

    • Replace SparkMax with PWMSparkMax, which is built into WPILib.

  • Java: CANSparkMax.get() now returns the velocity setpoint set by set(double speed) rather than the actual velocity, in accordance with the WPILib MotorController API contract.

  • C++/Java: CANPIDController.getSmartMotionAccelStrategy() now returns SparkMaxPIDController.AccelStrategy.

  • C++/Java: Trying to do the following things will now throw an exception:

    • Creating a CANSparkMax object for a device that already has one

    • Specifying an incorrect countsPerRev value for a NEO hall sensor

    • Java: Calling a CANSparkMax.getX() method using different settings than were used previously in the program

    • Java: Trying to use a CANSparkMax (or another object retrieved from it) after close() has been called

    • C++: Calling a CANSparkMax.getX() method more than once for a single device

  • C++/Java: Deprecated classes in favor of renamed versions

    • C++ users will get cannot declare field to be of abstract type errors until they replace their object declarations with ones for the new classes. Java users will be able to continue to use the old classes through the 2022 season.

    • AlternateEncoderType is replaced by SparkMaxAlternateEncoder.Type.

    • CANAnalog is replaced by SparkMaxAnalogSensor.

    • CANDigitalInput is replaced by SparkMaxLimitSwitch.

    • Java: CANEncoder is replaced by RelativeEncoder.

    • C++: CANEncoder is replaced by SparkMaxRelativeEncoderandSparkMaxAlternateEncoder`.

    • CANPIDController is replaced by SparkMaxPIDController.

    • CANSensor is replaced by MotorFeedbackSensor.

    • ControlType is replaced by CANSparkMax.ControlType.

    • EncoderType is replaced by SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.


  • C++/Java: Added the ability to set the rate of periodic frame 3


  • C++/Java: CANSparkMax.getMotorType() no longer uses the Get Parameter API, which means that it is safe to call frequently

  • Java: The CANSparkMax.getX() methods no longer create a new object on every call

Known issues:

  • SparkMaxPIDController.setIAccum() only works while the control mode is active

Last updated