Example Code

2024 REV ION FRC Starter Bot Code

Below is a link to download the code for a 2024 REV ION FRC Starter Bot on GitHub! This example uses a MAXSwerve Drivetrain and is programmed in Java.

Using the Starter Bot code without a MAXSwerve Drivetrain

If you are only using part of our design on your robot, you can still use this code to help you program! To find the code for each individual mechanism, navigate to:


Then, select one of the following subsystem programs to use

  • ArmSubsystem.java- raising and lowering the intake and launcher, also controls the climb

  • IntakeSubsystem.java - intaking notes and feeding them to the launcher

  • LauncherSubsystem.java - stopping and starting the flywheels on the launcher

In addition to referencing the subsystem code, you will need to look at RobotContainer.java for information about button bindings, constant/variable names, and function names. To find RobotContainer.java navigate to:


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