Starter Bot Changelog 2024-25

Changes made to any of the 2024-25 REV DUO FTC Starter Bot Documentation will be listed below. Check back for updates as the season progresses!

VersionRelease Date & Notes

v1.0.0 - Build Guide


  • Initial Release

v1.0.0 - Code and Configuration


  • Java Code Initial Release

  • Blocks Code Initial Release

  • Configuration File Initial Release

v1.0.0 - Bill of Materials


  • Initial Release

v1.0.1 - Blocks Code


v1.0.1 - Upgrades

v1.0.1 - OnBot Java Code

9/12/24 Corrected the OnBot Java file name

v1.0.2 - Upgrades

v1.1.0 - Build Guide


  • Fixed BOM errors

  • Corrected some screw length errors

  • Added missing spacers

  • Reworked steps for ease of use

v1.0.0 - Tips and Tricks

v1.0.2 - Blocks Code (including upgrades)

9/17/24 Fixed turning being inverted (Graphics in the tutorial reflect this change)

Last updated