
Dual Gamepads

There are many ways to split robot control across two gamepads. We recommend testing different combinations with your team to decide what feels the most comfortable to you!

This version of the program is intended to be just one example for using two gamepads. Arm and wrist control has been moved to a second gamepad while the main gamepad handles driving and the servos on the intake and claw.

The associated gamepad for a button input can be changed at any time by clicking on the block's dropdown:

Arcade Drive

In this example code, we changed our drive function to only be on the left stick!

You can learn about arcade style of driving in Hello Robot!

When changing a function name this will automatically change throughout the entire code to reflect the new name.

Mecanum Drive

Upgrading to a Mecanum Drivetrain (REV-45-2470) allows for new kinds of movement giving the robot the ability to strafe side-to-side across the field.

For Mecanum Drive each wheel has an individual motor!

The FTC Starter Kit V3 can be upgraded to the Mecanum Drivetrain V1 following this guide.

Upgrading from the FTC Starter Kit V3.1 to Mecanum Drivetrain V2:

The following additional parts are needed:

Full build instructions can be found here!

Example Mecanum Drive Program

How a Mecanum Drivetrain is programmed largely depends on the driver's preference for how the controller is configured. If your team is new to Mecanum, we have a demo code and breakdown available for Blocks.

This example code uses a different configuration than the Starter Bot's provided code! Please make sure to update both your program and the configuration file through the Driver Station.

Last updated