Blinkin Troubleshooting
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Status - Solid Blue
Normal Operation, PWM Signal Detected
Status - Blinking Blue
Normal Operation, No PWM Signal Detected
Status - Solid Yellow
Setup Mode, PWM Signal Detected
Status - Blinking Yellow
Setup Mode, No PWM Signal Detected
Status - Solid Blue with Magenta Blink â€
Command Signal Detected
12V Output - Solid Blue †â€
12V LED Strip Selected
5V Output - Solid Blue †â€
5V Addressable LED Strip Selected
With some commands, the Magenta Blink may last until the next LED Pattern Command Signal has been received
Possible Cause: LEDs are exceeding Blinkin current supply.
Solution: Turn down the strip brightness, shorten the strip, or use a pattern with less LEDs lit at the same time.
Possible Cause: There is too much voltage drop over the length of the strip so LEDs near the end don’t have enough voltage to operate properly.
Solution: Shorten the LED strip or if more LEDs are needed shorten the strip and run the remaining strip in parallel to the other strip
Possible Cause: A spurious pulse when some robots start up or shut down matching a command code used when factory testing the Blinkin.
Send the pulse (listed below) for the necessary strip type. The Status LED should turn to solid magenta and the Strip Select LED will remain the same as it was before the command was sent.
5V Strip = 2125 μs
12V Strip = 2145 μs
Send the pulse for a pattern different than the pattern that the Blinkin was originally displaying. At this time the LEDs should change to the new strip and be set with the pattern you chose. The Status LED will go back to solid blue and the Strip Select LED will switch to the strip type you selected in Step 1.
Send the pulse for the original desired pattern to your Blinkin.
We recommend having a button programmed on your controller to reset the pattern in the case of a temporary power loss.
If a Blinkin LED Driver is able to run the pre-installed light sequences and is unable to be controlled via a standard PWM Signal, like those that control a Servo Motor, make sure the Blinkin and your Control Hub or roboRIO both share a power source or have a shared electrical ground. Most of the time, fixing the power input for your Blinkin will resolve this issue!
The Blinkin can store custom user settings in its Memory so that they persist through power cycles. To restore the Blinkin to factory default settings using the following procedure:
A factory reset will cause your Blinkin to reload the default values will into its permanent memory. All current settings will be deleted.
Power off the Blinkin
Press and hold the Mode and Strip Select buttons
Power on the Blinkin
Wait for ~2 Seconds
Release the Mode and Strip Select buttons
If the 12V Output and 5V Output LEDs are on at the same time, please proceed to completing a