Motor Comparison

This page is intended to highlight the relative comparison between REV ION motors and similar motors from other vendors.

For more information please see the section below - Interpreting this Data

NEO Vortex - Quick Comparison

NEO Vortex & Kraken X60 Motor Curves

NEO Vortex & Kraken X60 Data

All of our motor testing was performed on our in-house dynamometer.

NEO V1.1 - Quick Comparison

The data shown for NEO V1.1 is also valid for the NEO V1

NEO V1.1 & Kraken X60 Motor Curves

NEO V1.1 & Kraken X60

All of our motor testing was performed on our in-house dynamometer.

Interpreting this Data

Values of motor data may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer because of variances in the dynamometer used to test each motor and how that data is analyzed. With each motor shown on this page, REV Robotics performed the same dynamometer testing and analysis of the data collected.

Absolute vs. Relative Data

  • Absolute Values for a specification are determined independently of each similar motor made by other manufacturers. Each of the specifications are determined by a manufacturer's individual testing procedures and methods of analyzing test data.

  • Relative Values for a specification are found by running the same test and analysis on a motor. While the values provided may not match a motor's listed Absolute Values for a given specification, this kind of data helps us compare the motors as fairly as possible.

Motor Curves

NEO Vortex - REV Robotics

NEO V1.1 - REV Robotics

Kraken X60 - WestCoast Products

Falcon 500 V2 - VEX Robotics

Last updated