Programming Servo Telemetry
What is Telemetry?
Telemetry is the process of collecting and transmitting data. In robotics ,telemetry is used to output internal data from the actuators and sensors to the Driver Hub. It is a way for the robot to communicate back to you the programmer what the robot thinks its doing or seeing. This information can then be used to improve your code, make adjustments to a mechanism, or to strategize when driving around the field if competing.
Telemetry blocks in Blocks can be found under the Utilities dropdown menu:
Using Telemetry with Servos
The most useful telemetry from the servo is the position of the servo along its 270° range.
Only certain blocks can be added to the second parameter based on what is being requested. In this case the parameter number means the data must be a numeric value.
Change the key parameter to "Servo Position"
Give your program a go!
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