Sprockets and Chain
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Sprockets are rotating parts that have teeth and can be used with a chain and another sprocket to transmit torque. Sprockets and chain can be used to change the speed, torque or direction of a motor. For sprockets and chain to be compatible with each other, they must have the same thickness and pitch.
Sprocket and chain is a very efficient way to transmit torque over long distances.
Sprockets consist of a disk with straight teeth projecting radially. Sprockets will only work correctly with chain and other sprockets if they are on parallel shafts and the teeth are in the same plane. A chain consists of a continuous set of links that ride on the sprockets to transmit motion. The REV 15mm Build System is designed around #25 Roller Chain (REV-41-1365) using compatible #25 Sprockets.
The most common and important features of a sprocket are called out in the figure below.
Number of Teeth is the total count of the number of teeth (projections) around the whole circumference of a sprocket. For sprockets with very few teeth this number is easily physically counted, but for high tooth counts this may not be isn’t very practical.
Roller chain is used to connect two sprockets together and transfer torque. Roller chain is made up of a series of inner and outer links connected together which forms a flexible strand.
Outside Links consist of two outside plates which are connected by two pins that are pressed into each plate. The pins in the outside link go through the inside of the hollow bushings when the inner and outer links are assembled. The pins can freely rotate on the inside of the bushings.
The REV DUO Build System includes both Metal and Plastic Sprockets. The table below covers some of the basic specifications for the different types of Sprockets.
Acetal (Delrin/POM)
6061 Aluminum
3mm (15mm with Locking Motion Hub)
REV DUO sprockets are a #25 pitch. Plastic Sprockets are designed to fit a 5mm hex shaft which eliminates the need for special hubs and setscrews. Most Metal Sprockets use a Locking Motion Hub (REV-41-1719) in order to connect to a Hex Shaft. The REV DUO Metal Sprockets are at less risk for wear than the Plastic Sprockets.
All REV DUO Plastic Sprockets have a M3 bolt hole mounting pattern that is on an 8mm pitch. This makes it easy to directly mount REV DUO Brackets and Extrusion to sprockets. The 8mm pitch is also compatible with many other building systems.
Transforming the torque and speed of the motion is accomplished by changing the size of the sprockets.
Physics concepts, like speed and power, have a lot of applications in the REV 15mm Build System. To learn more about them, check out how they apply to sprockets and chains here.
A sprocket size ratio is the relationship between the number of teeth of two sprockets (input and output). In the image below, the input sprocket is a 15 tooth sprocket and the output is a 20 tooth. The sprocket size ratio for the example is 20T:15T. The ratio in size from the input (driving) sprocket to the output (driven) sprocket determines if the output is faster (less torque) or has more torque (slower).
To learn more about ratio calculations for sprockets check out the ratio section.
The 15 tooth sprocket outside of the chain loop is known as an idler. Idlers do not affect the sprocket size ratio and thus are not part of the calculation. To learn more about idlers check out Idler section on the Advanced Sprockets and Chain page.
Within a chain loop, motion follows the direction set by the input sprocket. In the example, both sprockets inside the chain loop move counter clockwise. Idlers, which sit outside of the chain loop, are pushed in the opposing direction. So, the 15 tooth idler sprocket is moving clockwise.
Like with other motion components, REV DUO Sprockets drive motion with the 5mm Hex Shaft. However, in order to use a Hex Shaft with the Metal Sprockets, a Locking Motion Hub will also need to be used. To learn more about using Hex Shafts and proper motion support and constraint visit the pages linked below:
Hex Shaft and SpacersSupporting MotionConstraining MotionIn order for sprockets to work effectively, it’s important that the center-to-center distance is correctly adjusted. The sprocket and chain example with the red 'X', in the image below, may work under very light loads, but they will certainly not work and will skip under any significant loading. The sprockets in this example are too close together so chain is loose enough that it can skip on the sprocket teeth. The sprockets, with the green check mark, are correctly spaced which will provide smooth reliable operation.
To learn more about calculating center-to-center distance for sprockets visit the Advance Sprockets and Chain Page.
To ensure proper chain tension it is recommended to create a properly sized chain loop. To learn more about manipulating chain to size check out the Chain Tool page.
The first step to getting ideal chain tension is to manipulate, or cut the chain to the correct size. Using the center-to-center distance calculation is one of the most accurate ways to find the chain size needed. Once sizing is approximated, use the Chain Tool (REV-41-1442) or Master Link (REV-41-1366) to break and reform the chain.
To learn more about using the Chain Tool and Master Link, check out the Chain Tool section
When using the slots on REV DUO structural elements its is very easy to adjust and tension the chain if the sizing is off. When using the Extended Motion Pattern in conjunction with a chain drive, use Tensioning Bushings (REV-41-1702) and Standoffs (REV-41-1492).
For an example on how to use the Tensioning Bushings check out the Drivetrain guide.
Sometimes in a design it may be desirable to stack together multiple of the same sprocket on a shaft. In the cases where the number of teeth on the sprocket is not divisible by six, because of how they are oriented when put onto the hex shaft, the teeth may not be aligned between the two sprockets. To ensure all of the sprockets are clocked the same way, use the alignment shaft notch to put all the gears on the shaft with the same orientation.